Monday 3 December 2018

The Guide - 3rd December

Clevedon School U19 Football

Clevedon's Under 19 Football Team won their first competitive match of the season with a 3-0 away win at Taunton School. Competing in the Somerset Schools' U19 Cup the team looked in control throughout and can now look forward to the next round, where they will play either Chew Valley or Nailsea School.

Monday 26 November 2018

Wood Spring Debate Winners

Clevedon students continued their outstanding success in the annual Wood Spring Debating Competition through another strong performance at Gordano School on Friday 23rd November. Reigning champions Ella and Laura won through to this year's final with a thoroughly convincing and compelling argument in favour of the motion "China is the Dominant Country of the 21st Century". However, they were equally well challenged by Jack and Josh Banks. Both pairs won through to the final, which is to be held at Clevedon in February,

The Guide: 26th November

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Year 13 Geography Field Trip

Year 13 Geography students studying at the Nettlecombe Field Center

Friday 26 October 2018

Clevedon Sixth Form in Support of Breast Cancer Awareness

Clevedon Sixth Form students looked to support Breast Cancer Awareness month through a pink themed day to finish off term 1. Wearing pink clothing, selling pink cakes and Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons the students were very successful in supporting this very worthy cause.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Monday 17 September 2018

Legal Apprenticeship Opportunities at Burges Salmon

The Guide: 17th September

6th Form Dress Up day

The Dress Up day and BBQ was all the idea of the 6th Form Committee who wanted to organise a fun event to welcome the new Year 12 into the Sixth Form, make them feel part of the team and build a close bond between the two years. The committee have several further team building plans for the coming year to ensure they can share in more fun and produce some great memories alongside their academic studies. The money raised from the Dress Up day and BBQ will go towards a designated charity and the Sixth Form Ball at the end of the year.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

QEH - Trail Blazers

Clevedon Sixth Form 2018-19

A new academic year brings with it a exciting new Sixth Form team at Clevedon.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Sixth Form Social

To complete the year with a small celebration Clevedon's Year 12 traveled to The Venue for lunch at Nando's and for a couple of games of Ten Pin Bowling at Hollywood Bowl. It was a lovely way to finish off 2017-2018 and brought the year group together for a fun, if competitive, team building exercise!

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Young Fashion Designer of the Year

Congratulations Martha on achieving this prestigious award. The future of fashion design in the UK looks bright with Martha's creativity and imagination.

Monday 2 July 2018

European Youth Parliamentary Final - Liverpool

Nine Year 12 students from Clevedon’s Sixth Form travelled to Liverpool to represent the South West of England in the four day National finals of the European Youth Parliament. Having already won the regional final at Exeter University in April, beating eight other schools from across the south west, the students took part in a series of committees, formulating and debating resolutions at Liverpool Hope University against some of the most prestigious state and private schools from across the country.

Jack Banks, one of the nine students involved described  the event as: “not only a fantastic academic opportunity but also a fantastic social experience, which I will always remember. Through taking part in the national Final I am now looking forward to the next step where we may be invited to take part in international debates across Europe including the Netherlands, Germany and Slovakia and pit our wits and debating skills against Europe’s finest young political minds”

Year 13 Ball

Thursday 28th June marked an emotional and thoroughly enjoyable final chapter in the lives of Clevedon Sixth Form's Year 13. In celebration of their time at Clevedon School and the conclusion of their A Level exams the students were invited to a farewell breakfast, held at the Sixth Form Center in the morning and then their leavers' Ball at Clevedon Hall.

On arrival at the Hall students and their parents were welcomed by Hector, the barista van, for a champagne reception, which was
followed by a three course dinner and dance. Everyone had a really enjoyable time as they came together: looked back on their memorable time at Clevedon and looked ahead to what may happen in the coming months and years. It was truly a lovely evening.

The Guide: 2nd July

Thursday 28 June 2018

Students of Clevedon Schools Sixth Form Connect to Businesses to Support Skills and the Voice of Young People in North Somerset.

 This month, the Clevedon Chamber of Commerce announced its ‘Student Chamber’, a collaboration between the Chamber and Clevedon School’s Sixth form.

Students undertook a formal application and interview process to join, with the objective of building stronger connections with the business community. 

Whilst Schools are becoming more aware of the role that a business can lay in supporting employability and entrepreneurship, students and the Chamber committee decided that it could be taken a step further, creating a student chamber to give young people more engagement with businesses at the beginning of their Sixth Form years, rather than at the end of them.

Chamber President Paul Anslow says “The idea first came from a conversation with Phil Wright, Technical Director of Brunel engraving, who suggested that it takes a couple of years for students to really understand the workplace, where they are then a real asset. David [Wragg] suggested forming a student voice, to help the Chamber to remain current and to work more closely with Clevedon School and with the leadership of Clevedon School, the Student Chamber was born”

“Members will engage with businesses, supporting the marketing of the Chamber whilst building their own connections to share the thoughts of the Students who are keen to gain work skills, and to promote the projects underway.”

“This is a great step forward for the Clevedon Chamber and the business community as a whole, so huge thanks to Mark Davies, Jo Carrington and Sue Jones of Clevedon School for their support in making this possible.”

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Election of New Head Boy and Head Girl

Clevedon School is very proud to announce the election of new Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls. Following a very thorough election process our four victorious Sixth Form students are looking forward to leading the student body over the coming year and to demonstrate their leadership qualities both within and beyond the school community.

Monday 11 June 2018

Student Leadership: Head Boy and Girl and 6th Form Committee

The beginning of term 6 marks a new chapter in Clevedon Sixth Form's Student Leadership Team. Following a very detailed and exhaustive election process involving Manifestos, hustings, question time, interviews and different voting groups we are very pleased to announced our new Head and Deputy Head Boys and Girls.

We have also begun the next stage of our student social development with the introduction of a new Sixth Form Committee, who have already come up with several great ideas to develop integration between Years 12 and 13 and the wider school community.

The Guide: 11th June

Six Clevedon Year 12 students traveled to Saltash, Plymouth, to represent Somerset in the National County Gig Rowing Championships. 

The boys started their training in October and have been rowing every week in Bristol docks with their British Rowing coach. 

It was amazing day with the Year 12 boys performing really well and exceeding all expectations. Despite this being their first ever competitive race and rowing against counties who can select from rowers from 30+ clubs and who have 4-5 years experience in regattas and races the crew came a highly commendable 3rd, only beaten by Cornwall and Devon.

An amazing effort and the boys gave it their all. Great experience and hopefully the first race of many. We'll done!

Monday 23 April 2018

The Guide: 23rd April

Woodspring Parliamentary Debate Champions 2018

Fantastic achievement by Clevedon's Debating Team. Chaired by Liam Fox MP Clevedon School provided three of the eight pairs of finalists, held at Churchill School on the 20th April. All three teams performed admirably, with Rory McGuigan and Jack Banks leading the motion for the Government: "The youth today have never had it so good". However, they were fiercely challenged by David Bell with Ruby May-Hawkings and Hannah Filer with Ella Gardiner.

At the end of the evening Ella and Hannah were announced the overall winners - the first time Clevedon School have won the prestigious event since 1999, David was declared the best individual speaker over the various rounds and Ruby the best new speaker. Hannah, Ella and David can now look forward to a visit and lunch at Westminster, later this year. Well done!!

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Clevedon Year 12 Cultural Link with Athens School

Clevedon year 12 students had a fabulous story and myth telling trip to Bath on the 17th April. Thank you Mr Davies again for driving the minibus and being so patient with my directions!
We traveled to The Crescent and Bath Abbey where our sixth formers (the best student leaders you could wish for) met the Greek 66 students and 5 teachers. We divided into 5 storytelling groups comprising 13 Greeks and 2 English students. (The wooden door of the Abbey is itself symbolic as it tells a story through images).
Following some performance poetry by Bristol Ben - a professional poet (who met us there), the student groups went off to research their stories with special story bags with ingredients they had to find for their stories.
We met again in the afternoon and all stories were sent on to me. The idea now is photos and stories will be written and shared with our Greek friends.
The best of all this is we are now officially twinned with Pierce School in Greece through the ministry! (This is a bit of a Kafkaesque nightmare to manage this in Greece). This means that further trips can happen next year (hopefully based on myth and storytelling) and it may possibly open door to funding. Always welcome!
Classics at Clevedon rocks!
Mrs Carrington

The Guide: 16th April 2018

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Rock and Roll Bingo

To help raise funds for the Year 13 Ball on the 28th June we will be holding a Rock and Roll Bingo Night on the 27th April. All proceeds will be shared between four worthy school causes. The amount of money for each cause will be dependent on how many ticket sales they generate. Therefore, the more Sixth form, families and friends who are able to attend the greater the amount which will be raised towards the Ball. Please join us on the 27th April for a fun filled evening.

Friday 9 February 2018

Tuesday 6 February 2018

European Youth Parliament Winners

A huge well done to the eight year 12 students who participated and WON the South West debating forum in the European Youth Parliament, held at the County Hall in Exeter.  Our students were fantastic and really were the standout team amongst a room full of nine other schools. They have now been invited to attend a 3 day long public speaking & debating conference in June, where they will be joined by other regional winners from the UK. I cannot stress enough the quality of debate our students produced today – a real credit to themselves and the school.