Sunday 25 June 2017

The Definitive Guide to Where to Get Help With Your Personal Statement

With Clevedon Sixth Form's residential to the University of South Wales approaching on the 10th July, Year 12 students are preparing material to support their Personal Statement drafts. If you are looking for inspiration please may we suggest the following link which will provide advice as to where and who to speak to in creating a relevant portfolio of evidence and information:

The definitive guide to where to get help with your personal statement

Saturday 17 June 2017

Election of Head Boy and Girl

Following a very comprehensive election process involving application letters, formal interviews with Clevedon's Head of School and Chair of Governors, Vision Statements, hustings and staff and student votes, in which all eight candidates performed admirably we are very pleased to announce the new Clevedon Sixth Form line up for Head Boy and Head Girl, as well as Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl.

Year 12 Mock Timetable

Monday 12 June 2017

Year 12 Futures Week and Residential Visit to the University of South Wales (10th - 14th July)

Please click on the following link for full details of our Futures Week, involving Higher Education, training and employment experiences, plus our two day residential to the University of South Wales, Cardiff.

Year 12 Futures Week. 10th - 14th June