Wednesday 24 February 2021

Careers Related to Maths (Year 10)

Calling all Year 10 Mathematicians!!

On Thursday 4th March at 10am you are invited to join a Zoom webinar on Maths related Careers. The 30 min presentation is focused on Year 10 students who enjoy Maths and may be interested in studying the subject at A Level and then pursue a future pathway in a related career. The aim is to give students the opportunity to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to link your curriculum learning with future careers.

If you would like to join please read the following information and register. Please note you need to use your school email address and the presentation is via Zoom, not TEAMS. You do not need a camera or microphone:


To join in the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme’s Online Enrichment Event: “Which Career? Meeting people in different roles”, on Thursday 4th March at 10:00- 10:30am you will need to register in advance for this webinar by clicking the following link:

Once you have registered for the Zoom webinar with the link above, you will be sent your own unique link to join the event, which should not be shared with others.

A welcome screen will be broadcast for approximately ten minutes prior to the event’s planned start time, so that you can check that your IT is working correctly.

For safeguarding reasons, when registering for the webinar please use your initials rather than your full name, and a school email address rather than a personal one. The link to join the webinar will be sent to the email address entered.

You might need:

· a pen and paper in case you want to note anything down

Thursday 23 April 2020

A Fond Au Revoir to Our Year 13

It seems unbelievable that it has already been 5 weeks to the day that we said a fond farewell to our lovely Clevedon Year 13. Many a tear was shed as we came together for a short gathering to celebrate these amazing young adults. Although their time in our Sixth Form family has been unfairly cut short we still look forward to meeting again and to reminisce on some fabulous memories at the Year 13 Ball.

Monday 2 December 2019

Clevedon Sixth Form Supports Feed the Homeless

Lara was presented with a certificate in recognition of her voluntary work with the charity Feed the Homeless. Lara was presented with her certificate by Megan Thomas, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Bristol and Naseem Talukdar, coordinator of Feed the Homeless for supporting the charity every Friday evening, when she collects and distributes food and clothing to the homeless on the streets of Bristol. 

Clevedon School also supports the Feed the Homeless charity through collection boxes, providing food, clothing and essential provisions to the homeless and donations which will be collected at the school's Christmas School Production of Grease, the Musical, which this year will be held from the 9-12th December.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Clevedon School Armistice Ceremony

Clevedon School, led by the Head Boy and Head Girl held a very moving and poignant parade and ceremony to remember and celebrate Remembrance Day. 1200 students stood in silence to show their respect as the Last Post was played and staff and students reflected on the country's fallen.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Head Boy and Girl

Following their election success last year we are delighted to present our new team of Student Leaders for the coming year.

Clevedon Sixth Form Destinations 2019

Clevedon 6th Form 2019-20

As we say a fond farewell to one group of students we welcome the new class of 2019.

Friday 12 July 2019

Year 13 Leavers' Breakfast and Ball

Thursday 4th July marked an emotional and thoroughly enjoyable final chapter in the lives of Clevedon Sixth Form's Year 13. In celebration of their time at Clevedon School and the conclusion of their A Level exams the students were invited to a farewell breakfast, held at the Sixth Form Center in the morning and then their leavers' Ball at Clevedon Hall.

On arrival at the Hall students and their parents were welcomed by Hector, the barista van, for a champagne reception, which was followed by a three course dinner and dance. Everyone had a really enjoyable time as they came together: looked back on their memorable time at Clevedon and looked ahead to what may happen in the coming months and years. It was truly a lovely evening.

Clevedon Sixth Form at the University of Cambridge

Clevedon Sixth Form students completed their HE+ programme with a two day visit to the University of Cambridge. The year long programme involved the students meeting with fellow year 12 students from across North Somerset at the Kings of Wessex School, Cheddar. The students aspire to attend Oxbridge and the HE+ programme provides an in depth look into the two prestigious universities' entry requirements and processes, as well as what students can look forward to if they are successful in their applications.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Clevedon Pastoral Parliament

Clevedon's Sixth Form and Student Leadership Team hosted and chaired the school's annual Pastoral Parliament in which students from across the school discussed topics including school uniform, litter and the tutor programme.

This outstanding example of student voice, in which all those present had the opportunity to share their opinions and views, will help shape Clevedon School's future discussion around these key areas.

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Clevedon Sixth Form Futures Week and Post 18 Pathyways

Clevedon's Year 12 students have begun their 2019 Futures Week in preparation for their Post 18 Pathways. The week began with guests from the University of Bath presenting workshops to the year group on how to prepare their Personal Statements and applications for university, apprenticeships and careers. By the end of the day students had created a draft version of their Personal Statements which have been shared today with guest interviewers from the world of work and academia.

Students have arrived in formal wear to discuss their future aspirations with guests who have been identified based on their specific  academic and career interests. Students will finish the week with three days of work experience as they prepare and gain exposure to their potential career paths. 

Parents were also given the opportunity to attend a Post 18 Pathways Information Evening on the 27th June to discover how the UCAS process will work for their daughters and sons and discover the alternative options at Post 18. The presentation, partly delivered by the University of Bath, can be viewed here.

Friday 14 June 2019

Clevedon's Mid-Summer Business Gala

 Tuesday evening saw Clevedon's Sixth Form Business classes present their annual Mid-Summer Gala. Guests from the local community, governors and staff enjoyed a delicious 3 course meal, dance, singing and music acts plus the delights of The Mallards Jazz band.

The evening was rounded off by an auction and raffle. All proceeds raised from the evening are being donated to Clevedon's Food Bank appeal.

Psychology Brain Day

 On Thursday Clevedon Sixth Form were delighted to welcome Dr Guy Sutton from the University of Nottingham.

Dr Sutton spent the day with Clevedon's Year 12 Psychology students to support their studies and provide invaluable knowledge of the brain.

Dr Sutton then continued into the evening with a further presentation to parents and students relating to how issues such as social media and drugs effect the brain and peoples' ability to concentrate and learn.

It was a fascinating experience and both students and parents were extremely impressed by Dr Sutton's enthusiasm, passion for his subject and knowledge.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

North Somerset Sixth Form Student Leadership Conference

Seven schools from across North Somerset met at Clevedon School Sixth Form to discuss and plan their future shared student community and social goals and vision. Each school was represented by members of their sixth form student leadership teams and were initially given the opportunity to listen to Tim Downe, British Rowing Coach, who discussed his experiences of team work, communication, leadership and resilience. Tim also highlighted young role models in the field of environmental awareness and sustainability. This led to the student leaders discussing their own projects and initiatives related to their specific schools and how to improve their future communities.  
The conference culminated with each school identifying a project to lead and develop over the next two terms before reconvening in October to assess their success and share the positive outcomes. Projects included developing the concept of an Environmental Week, to showcase how to support our environment, recycling and Life Skills training. It was an extremely positive and successful afternoon from which the student leaders were able to share some fantastic ideas and develop a sense of unity amongst the schools.

Friday 31 May 2019

Term 5 Newsletter

Term 5 Newsletter (click here for link)

Year 12 Fun in the Sun - Last Day of Term

To finish off Term 5 Year 12 took to the field to compete in the Inter House Tug o War event. Having completed the inter house competition, which Conygar dominated, students decided to have a Boys vs Girls version. This was a very one sided contest with the girls thrashing the boys. However, the boys gained a small consolation by winning at the subsequent game of rounders.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Year 12 Biology Trip to University of Bristol

Clevedon Sixth Form's Year 12 Biology students have experienced a fascinating and informative day visiting the University of Bristol.

The day included visiting laboratories and experimenting with the Department of Biology's medical research and sports science equipment. Mrs Pike, who led the trip, described the students as "fantastic, one of the nicest groups I have taken on a trip and the feedback has been very positive, they all seemed to enjoy it and found the interactive sessions backed up their classroom learning."

Year 13 Breakfast and Ball (4th July)

Please click here for link to Breakfast and Ball Letter

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 4 Newsletter (Click here for link)

Monday 4 March 2019

Clevedon Sixth Form - European Youth Parliament

Clevedon Year 12 students continued the fantastic success of last year's European Debating Team, who won through to the national finals in Liverpool, by taking part in the regional finals held at Exeter County Hall.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Term 3 Newsletter

Please click on the following link to this term's newsletter: Clevedon Sixth Form Term 3 Newsletter

Tuesday 5 February 2019

University of Bristol GP Society for Post 16 Students

If you are in Year 12 and considering a potential career and university course in medicine please see this great opportunity from the University of Bristol offering future medics a chance to meet like minded young people and hear from the experts.

University of Bristol and UWE Student Contact Line

 If you are considering university after Sixth Form and would like to ask a current undergraduate student what life may be like please use this new help line set up by the University of Bristol and University of Western England.

Monday 3 December 2018

The Guide - 3rd December

Clevedon School U19 Football

Clevedon's Under 19 Football Team won their first competitive match of the season with a 3-0 away win at Taunton School. Competing in the Somerset Schools' U19 Cup the team looked in control throughout and can now look forward to the next round, where they will play either Chew Valley or Nailsea School.